Just dance Sophie.

And she danced. She danced her little heart out.

And we watched. We watched proudly as this tiny little girl amazed us.

And she made me cry. She has grown up so much and is so beautiful.

I thank God for this blessing every day.

I love you Sophie. So much.

click and you can see her much bigger and way more beautiful.

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  1. Oh she is so beautiful and so precious. Such a blessing from the Lord. God Bless. Hugs, Marty

  2. She is so beautiful! I sure wish we were there a bit longer so we could see the program. She is growing up to fast, all the kids are. Give that princess a big hug for me!!

    Aunt Liz

  3. She is so sweet! Such beautiful memories.

  4. Oh, Tammy, she looks sooo precious! Seeing Sophie dancing brought back memories of my daughter at that age. It made me tear up just remembering.

    We'll have to get together soon and go junkin'.

    Have a blessed Sunday.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
