Rainy blaaah tuesday - so do what?

A rainy Tuesday.
It isn't that I don't have tons to do. The kitchen still needs some tweaking. The booth items for a show in 10 days are still not finished all the way. The laundry is not put away. The dishes aren't put up and new dirty ones put in the dishwasher. The fall decor is lacking but with a rainy day it just called for the crock pot.
So, out comes all the veggies and a roast. Turn it all on and then smell the stew to come.
Ahh - thank goodness fall is here and the crock pot can fill the house with wonderful smells all season.
Maybe apples tomorrow- hmm we'll see.


  1. Your roast looks delicious! It is rainy and cool here today, too~starting to feel more like fall!

  2. Mmmmmm...I'm so coming over for dinner-what's your address?!!
