some creative time - kid style

This summer was long- we are used to Tramway year round school of only 5 weeks off in the summer.  This 12 weeks off makes it a very loooong time.  And kids get bored quickly, especially with it so hot here in Texas that being outside is hard to do for very long.

Enter creativity time.

Sophie felt the plain composition books required for school were just that - plain.  She worked on glamming hers up some.

She wanted a chevron pattern.  So we worked on how to make the template.

Next it was her time to cut various colors and work them out on the book. 

I think it is coming along great.

Jack is not so much into crafts but the boy does love nutella and lava cakes.  So we researched how to make them and then he went at it.

My junior chef sure is cute.

Now tell me doesn't this look ah-maz-ing?

Look at the ooey gooey awesomeness of flavor.  And they were so good.

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