do you have little boys that you want ideas for?

Have you seen this? Dana and Rae are celebrating the boy. They have heard the ladies cry that more boy oriented posts of crafts and clothing are needed. So, they have decided to dedicate February to just that- CELEBRATE THE BOY.
Now being the mom of 3 boys - well 2 are young men and won't let me do much for them but the other one might still be able to be snookered.
I can't wait to see what they show us all- take a look just go to the buttons on my sidebar and take a look at both blogs..


  1. Thanks for posting about this Tammy! I'm so happy everyone is excited about it! ME TOO :)

  2. Thanks for this! I needed some boy ideas...


  3. duh! found it...I's been a rough night :)

  4. How exciting to have something focused on the boys! I have 3 too and I love it!

  5. Let's hear it for the boys! Sounds like a good idea! :)

  6. Oh, yeah! Looking forward to seeing the ideas that come up. With an only grandchild that is a grandson, I'm definitely happy to see some boy things!! Woo hoo!
