Wiggled it out

He did it. He wiggled that dang tooth out. He was so happy to be able to bring it home from school so he could leave it for the tooth fairy. Look how cute.

How can you not love that smile?

Good job my little man. Now we can wait for the next one to get loose and go through it all again.

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  1. What a precious young man...or should I say what a precious snaggletooth young man? :)

  2. So cute..love the blonde hair..lulu

  3. What a cutie pie! I justlove it when they loose their front teeth! When the 'big boy' teeth grow back in, they always seem so big.


  4. Oh my goodness! What a cutie! Tell him I said congrats!

  5. That is too cute! I can remember my oldest daughter wanting to lose her tooth AT school because evidently the 1st grade teacher made a really big deal out of losing your tooth...complete with a mini treasure chest to put it in. It never did happen at school, poor baby! LOL! Enjoy that sweet grin and thanks for sharing it with us. :)

  6. Jack, how cute you look! Did the fairy leave you something great? What a neat picture, Tammy. You're getting good!
    Love you, Mom

  7. Jack you are too cute!! I am so proud of you- that you finally pulled that dang thing out, before you made mommy sick watching you wiggle it around. :)
    Love the photo Tammy- I was so mad that I didn't have my camera with me yesterday when he showed me the missing tooth.

  8. What a cutie! Good job - has he heard from the Tooth Fairy yet?
