Thrive Thursdays

Noni at The Brick Street Bungalow is hosting Mission: Thrive Thursdays on the last Thursday of the month throughout 2010.
She states:
" I've been thinking about the subjects of surviving, striving and thriving. I'm a big believer in thriving. I do believe life throws us some curves...some bumps in the road...some roadblocks...and sometimes, even a few dead ends. We may have to work to keep putting one foot in front of the other while we survive these times.
Sooner or later, we get our feet back under ourselves...then, it becomes a continue to just get survive. Or, to choose to thrive. When we choose to thrive it requires striving sometimes...Striving to make changes, do the deeds, dig deeper, move ahead.
Whatever the effort involved in the's always worth it when we are finally thriving...So the question is:
What would it take in your life for you to thrive?"
That is what we will discover and search for through out 2010.
I told her,
" I want to make my life mean more. Not just the big picture but I want to see the worth in the small things. I want to do more things with my family-not planned big events but just "live" with my family. Enjoy the moments. I want to breathe them in so as not to let all the good stuff slip away. Basically to quote Tim McGraw- I want to live like there is no tomorrow- EVERYDAY. "
I have set my 2010 goals or resolutions:
1. I am not going to try to lose half my body weight I am just going to try to be healthy.
2. I am not going to get upset when the house is a mess if it means I am spending quality time with my kids.
3. I am not going to try to cook good meals every day of the week so I can spend fun times with the family.
4. I am not going to try to have a garden worthy of a magazine but rather one that brings me joy, happiness and some weeds.
5. I am not going to try to do too many things but rather enjoy the things I do now.
With all that being said I will set goals for January to make these attainable.
To be healthy:
1. I will walk at least 3 times a week.
2. I will eat better and drink more water.
Spending time with family:
3. I will start a family night of no TV with a fun dinner and board games.
4. I will read to my two younger kids 1/2 hour each evening.
Enjoying what I do now:
5. I will dedicate 2 hours in the morning to crafting 3 times a week.
That is it for January- will you join us in striving to THRIVE?


  1. I LOVE your intent, Tammy!!! Awesome. Your goals for the month are elegantly simple and doable! I look forward to following you along this journey! Onward ho!

  2. Sounds like a great way to start the new year. In Kuwait, my friendships and crafting help me to survive. When it comes to plans, everything is allowed to grow on my balcony, especially the weeds. If it's green, it gets watered. Wishing you a healthy, happy new year. Blessings, Tammy

  3. Love what you've shared, Tammy. Keeping it real.

    I'm not very good w/ New Year resolutions. Still haven't lost that extra 30 pounds I'm carrying. But I did do some thinking over my bloggy-break. I am no longer working for a living. I am no longer taking care of small children. What is it that I want to do with the rest of my life? Well, I'm still a student, learning something new everyday and wishing to share it with others. So my goal for 2010 is to do the things that bring joy and connect & share it with others.

    Happiest of New Years to you and yours, Tammy!

  4. Hi, Tammy. Noni is my mom, and I've been so excited to meet the people who are joining her in Mission: THRIVE. Your comments about this mission have touched my heart, and, like you, I am looking forward to a year of tending to the things that matter most in life. Here's a toast to the New Year - may we find our hearts and souls blessed as we begin this journey!

  5. Those are wonderful, smart and admirable goals! More power to you! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment. I used to live in the Raleigh area of NC. Happy New Year Tammy!

