Wednesday's goings ons

Well it is Wednesday again. Funny how that happens each week isn't it? haha
I ran across so many cool ideas this past week in blogland and thought I'd share a few with you again today. Sit back, enjoy and please feel free to visit these ladies and their wonderful projects.
First off is an amazing pillow done by Eileen over at Star's Fault. She does the most gorgeous and amazing things with fabric. This is only one project that caught my eye. You can get lost in her blog with all her projects and her amazing photography. She has the whole tutorial on there for this pillow. Thanks for sharing this Eileen.

Next we have a great transformation that had me saying, "now why can't I ever think of things like this?"
Kara over at Creations by Kara took a pretty, well lets just say not so tasteful, drink dispenser and went from this 
to this.
A soap dispenser. And you know it will look awesome in a very fun laundry room. It is very cool that people are now into decorating their laundry rooms. Why not try to make the room that most moms spend so much time in a bit brighter and cheerier?
Lastly, Jill over at Controlling Chaos has made recipe cards and everything you need to be organized in the kitchen. And she has them so you can download it all and make yours too.
Thanks Jill for such cute items that you let us all use. 

That's it for this Wednesday. Now I must get back to my never ending kitchen remodel. The cabinet people called and said they'd be delivering my cabinets on Tuesday the 4th- yikes. That is soon. So, I am off to try to get the floor sanded a bit so I can get my checkerboard floor painted..It never ends does it?


  1. That is the CUTEST idea I've seen for laundry soap. I'm going to be on the lookout now for a container like that. I've seen other bloggers put their powder in a lidded glass jar and thought that was cute, but I use liquid detergent so this is awesome! Thanks for the great idea! Love your blog - added it to my favorites!

  2. Ooooo, I could use a little recipe card organization. Love the font she chose.

    Thanks for sharing, Tammy!

  3. I love that laundry dispenser! What a great idea...thanks for sharing all those! :)

  4. I'm loving that laundry soap dispenser~!

